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DYM’s Sustainability Commitment
At DYM, we are deeply committed to integrating sustainable practices into every aspect of our business operations. Recognizing the urgent need to address environmental challenges, we are implementing a strategy that includes:
1. Solar Panel Installation:
A three-phase // three-year investment in solar panels across our facility’s roof.
2. Returnable Packaging:
Transition to returnable packaging solutions to minimize waste and promote circular economy principles.
3. Energy Efficiency Measures:
Implementation of energy efficiency measures like energy-efficient lighting, appliances, and machinery, as well as monitoring technology for controlling energy usage.
DYM is dedicated to making meaningful contributions.
We recognize that our actions today have a lasting impact on the planet.
Let’s act on it.
Related Companies
Our partnerships include Nueva Generación Manufacturas, a global leader in AC motor capacitors, with operations in the US, China, and the Mexico-US border, Barker Microfarads that manufacture a wide range of DC aluminum electrolytic capacitors for consumer, industrial, and military applications, and Jet Central, supplying miniature jet engines.